Saturday 6 September 2014

Get a Peek into Discovery Scuba Diving Activity at Shah Alam Aquatic Centre

Organizer : Scuba Station
Participant : DSD (first timer without any diving license..mcm aku) and refresher (with license)

 The blue like Doraemon is me!..hahaha

First time ever step into the pool !@#$%%^..... 

Me, panic first! Lepas tu...telan air banyak-banyak....

Discovery Scuba Diving

what is discovery scuba diving?

Discovery scuba diving or DSD is part of diving activity. Just imagine urself macam org yang diving, mmm..but without license (certified by certain license such as open water, advanced, rescue or master). 

Memandangkan ia adalah discovery, so ia lebih kpd sesi perkenalan. Hehe...orang kata, tak kenal maka tak chenta. So, this is one of the objective. To let u try and have real feeling of underwater. 

 Discover Scuba Diving will let you try scuba to see if you like it"(, 2014) 
*hehe..ampun, patik ni researcher, sume benda patik cilok, patik cited..haha

dipendekkan cerita, sesi DSD ni adalah sesi perkenalan dan percubaan kepada mereka-mereka yang berminat dengan aktiviti menyelam atau diving activity. Macam daku yang kengkonon brminat dengan diving ni..hehe.. Maka dalam excited dan berani takutnya, i decided to try this activity. Keterujaan dan keinginan ni membuak-buak disebabkan encik somi yang selalu sangat share his experience during diving. Mau tak terjealous???...Dah la cerita beria-ia sungguh...hmm..kat rumah apa saje documentary pasal laut, pantai, pulau, underwater dan yg sama waktu dengannya. memang faverets encik somi. semuanya nak direcord siap-siap. channel tv yang tak pernah teringin nak tengok pun, dah jadi pilihan hati. Cth ; itv channel 180 (Yok scuba), explorasi kembara, pulau ke pulau (astro warna ke ceria)..etc. 

In diving activity, there are few stages and licenses available depending on our objective, such as open water diver, advanced open water diver, rescue diver, and master scuba diver (yang ni jauh lagi perjalanannya utk diriku ini..).